method of loci

美 [ˈmeθəd əv ˈloʊkaɪ]英 [ˈmeθəd ɒv ˈləʊkaɪ]
  • 网络位置记忆法;轨迹法;位置法;记忆宫殿;地点法
method of locimethod of loci
  1. The ancient granddaddy of advanced memory techniques is the method of Loci , which involves placing objects in sequential order in a mentally constructed ( imaginary ) world .


  2. How memory training through the method of loci improves the cognitive function from child-hood to old adulthood


  3. STEP 8 : PRACTICE the method of loci or roman room , or at least pretend to


  4. A modified method of quantitative trait loci mapping by using molecular flanking markers Maxi-likelihood method based on molecular markers


  5. Based on the stochastic and ergodic property of chaos variables , the method searches the space of loci , which effectively overcomes the drawback of converging to local optimization and greatly improves the speed of searching the optimum .


  6. This paper presents a correlation method for mapping quantitative trait loci using flanking markers in F2 population with male uncross-over , and studies the precision method of maping quantitative trait loci in the condition of high density molecular markers with strong chiasma interference .
